Bearpark Artists Co-op and Volunteers for Mental Health in Tarnaveni, Romania.
"The Team" preparing. Suzie. Romey, and Barrie with masses of help from Estera, Eva and Radu, and Clare taking the photograph!
We ran eight workshops in Tarnaveni, Trannsylvania, in three locations:- the hospital department for mental health, the Technical College, and a community project for adults with learning disabilities (although they thought there weren't enough for us, so they also brought 14 special needs children to the workshops). The main idea was to create a link between the different groups.
We began at each venue with a kinetic drawing exercise, usually in charcoal. We walked round the table, following each other, drawing our line. A simple but firm set of instructions was given. A number of drawings were made. One drawing was kept back at this stage to be passed on to the next group, and this was reciprocated. Another was developed using pastel, sometimes paint. This was varied by using paint and rollers or brushes. We also worked on portraits, printing and exercises designed to develop listening and communication skills. One artist was available to assist those who preferred to work on individual pieces. At all times staff were asked to participate, and most did.
Decision making was democratic, (about choice of colour for example). However the individual’s contribution at every stage was retained and therefore respected. Participants were encouraged to work abstractly – concentrating on rhythm, form, texture and space – rather than using imagery. This means no-one needs to feel excluded through inexperience or a feeling of inability, which the making of imagery can create. Apart from our conscious aims for the project, we hope there is an exuberance and joy in the work which is justification in itself.
We are not able to show photographs from the Hospital.
We are very sad to learn that unfortunately the project has had to close, October 2021, due to lack of support
College workshop
Community Workshop for Special Needs adults and children
The Exhibition was inside and outside the new Tarnaveni Community Centre.
Clare helping at the printing workshop.
Hospital charcoal drawing
College drawing worked on in paint by a group at the hospital.
Ale, VfMH Manager in Tarnaveni, wondering how we are going to display all the pictures!