Monday Afternoon Group

Charlotte - Drawing of a mosaic

 We are up and running again - at Hamsteels Community Centre.

Next term begins Monday January 13th. Please contact John for details

Workshops for adults with learning disabilities take place between 1 - 3pm on Monday afternoons in a friendly Covid-safe environment - Hamsteels Community Centre near Esh Winning.

When? Monday afternoon 1-3 pm. What do we do?  Drawing, painting making 3 D works and other stuff.  

How much? A block of 5 sessions is £35 (including materials).

The sessions, are safe, friendly and inclusive. If you think you might like to join Monday Afternoon Group you are welcome contact John, the group organiser and arrange a visit.

To see more MAG work go to the website:

Please contact us if you are interested in attending, volunteering, or working with this group.

John: 07913 485965